via: Unsplash / Warren Wong
If you're looking for weird questions to ask, look no further!
Making good conversation doesn't always mean you have to come up with funny jokes or compelling stories. Sometimes, the best conversations stem from the weirder things too.
I know you need some questions to ask, and that's why I'm here. Being quite the expert when it comes to funny conversation starters, trust me when I say that you need these weird questions to ask people.
The next time you need some riveting things to talk about, use the ones in our list. You'll make your friends laugh out loud for sure!
Let's dive right in!
Best Weird Questions To Ask

via: Mantelligence
1. Which mythical creature do you want to become?
Type of Conversation It Starts: This is a fun question that starts things off with an interesting and thought-provoking topic. There are plenty of mythical creatures out there, so they'll spend plenty of time picking their choice and explaining why. Make sure to think of your own, as well!
Who to Ask It To: If you want to make a new friend, you can use weird interview questions like this to get them thinking. They might not have a specific creature in mind, but it'll get the ball rolling.
2. Name the top five things to take with you during a zombie apocalypse.
Type of Conversation It Starts: Who hasn't thought of this? This conversation starter can't be asked enough; everyone's thought of what they'd do in a zombie apocalypse.
Who to Ask It To: Zombie fans, naturally! Gamers are also another group of people you can ask. That being said, I'm sure you can ask anyone, since zombie movies are popular.
3. What normal things do you think are sometimes not normal?
Type of Conversation It Starts: If this were an interview question in a talk show, we'd have more interesting talk shows. It starts a conversation that makes you think hard about what's normal for you and what may not be for other people. We all have our quirks and random qualities, but our uniqueness can sometimes be strange to other people. Find out which ones are weirder than most.
Who to Ask It To: You may ask about your friends' quirks to give the question a humorous twist and start a lighthearted chat!
4. When was the last time you binge ate peanut butter in a hotel room?
Type of Conversation It Starts: Fun questions like this can lead to a chat about personal travels, cuisine preferences, or extravagant times! It could bring up stories, tales, or flashbacks of eating practices when staying in hotels or even delightful incidents with peanut butter.
Who to Ask It To: You should probably save this question for an adult. Kids probably wouldn't do this. After all, who can afford to binge-eat peanut butter in a hotel room?
5. What is the craziest thing that you plan to have before dying?
Type of Conversation It Starts: The statement encourages people to talk about their unusual bucket list items. It could spark a discussion on objectives and goals in real life!
Who to Ask It To: Ditch the small talk and ask personal questions like this to get close to your crush. Maybe they want to have an expensive sports car or a mansion filled with dogs before they die!

via: Mantelligence
6. What is the weirdest thing you posted on the Internet?
Type of Conversation It Starts: It's a good question to ask if you want to hear interesting stories from the other person. Whether it's a conspiracy theory or asking people what they would bring to a deserted island, social media has been an outlet for anyone's weirdest searches and ideas, meaning there's plenty of possibilities out there. You just need to be willing to go down the rabbit hole.
Who to Ask It To: Plenty of people these days use the Internet, so there's a wide range of people you can ask this to. But if you want to learn about the weird things a friend gets up to, I highly recommend asking them.
7. How many times a day do you look in the mirror with just your underwear on?
Type of Conversation It Starts: We've all been there! I often check myself out in the morning, just before I get ready for work. You could end up talking about all sorts of things you get up to before you even get dressed.
Who to Ask It To: Are they admiring themselves or combing over their insecurities obsessively? Girls may be the best target for this one!
When To Use: Ask this question when you're a little comfortable with each other so that you don't end up embarrassing yourself or triggering their insecurities.
8. What do you bring most to a friendship?
Type of Conversation It Starts: This one encourages them to engage in a little self-reflection, and self-appreciation. After all, you can only know the answer if you look for it yourself. When you've found your answer, you can start discussing what you bring to the table!
Who to Ask It To: Naturally, you'll want to ask your friends, but you can ask anyone. You'll know quickly whether the people you are asking are capable of your quality level of friendship by what they answer.
9. Do you think an elephant can make a good pet?
Type of Conversation It Starts: Some people may think it's the funniest thing in the world to get an elephant as a pet, but it may be a good idea to do. In certain countries, they are used as transportation instead. Either way, you'll end up talking about really unique pets by asking this!
Who to Ask It To: They're friendly giants who can play with you with their trunks, and that sounds like a lot of fun! Try asking this to your girlfriend or boyfriend and see how they react!
10. If you were a student at Hogwarts, which teacher would you rather have from the choices given?
Type of Conversation It Starts: I mean– J.K. Rowling built a wonderfully magical world with countless interesting characters. There were a lot of authority figures there who we can all learn a lot from. Harry Potter fans love to debate, so prepare to have a lengthy conversation about this!
Who to Ask It To: Definitely the Potterheads. Fans of the series are undoubtedly the perfect people to ask this!
11. Do you like someone?
Type of Conversation It Starts: This one’s quite simple but never overstated. It’s a very interesting question to ask someone you like and it might start the conversation that starts your romantic journey. You'll never know unless you try!
Who to Ask It To: Maybe she'll tell you she likes you. But, if your biggest fear is being rejected, be careful when asking this question. Because if she says yes and it's not you, it gets painful quickly.
12. Tomorrow you have a date with someone in this room. Who would be the worst choice?
Type of Conversation It Starts: This is one of the most embarrassing questions to ask in a public place, especially if you are friends with the people who can hear you. It will definitely start an awkward discussion, so make sure you ask this with discretion!
Who to Ask It To: It may be weird, but, be frank and ask this to the people you are in the room. It’s a fun way to start a question game!
13. Which surgery do you believe should never exist?
Type of Conversation It Starts: Whether for ethical reasons or simply because of the risks involved, it can spark a conversation about what they consider to be going too far.
Who to Ask It To: There are many different and scary surgeries that we can't imagine happening, even with all these medical TV shows and videos on the Internet showing us how they're done. Find out which one people think shouldn't exist and ask them why.
14. When was the last time you literally stopped to smell flowers?
Type of Conversation It Starts: The phrase "stop to smell the flowers" encourages people to enjoy life's little pleasures. By phrasing it this way, you're actually able to talk about literal flowers and not metaphorical ones.
Who to Ask It To: If your crush's favorite smell is the smell of flowers, find out what kind they like, and where you can find them. If it's been a while, consider going to a park or the local conservatory. We have plenty of date ideas for you, in case you need them!
15. What ice cream flavor do you think best describes your life?
Type of Conversation It Starts: Whether it's your favorite color or your favorite ice cream flavor, questions like this are good ice breakers. It's literally impossible to not have any of these!
Who to Ask It To: You can use this for any casual conversation. Preferably when you go out for ice cream!
16. How did you learn what it meant to be a man?
Type of Conversation It Starts: This conversation starter could explore the concept of masculinity and how it was shaped back in high school. Though now outdated, it still defines many people today.
Who to Ask It To: Naturally, you should ask men this - or anyone's who's watched Disney's Mulan. And if they need some inspiration on being a better man, you have an expert on that right here.
17. Do you have any rituals before accepting any guests?
Type of Conversation It Starts: We've all probably had guests come over to our homes during our favorite holiday. What do you do before you invite them over? This way, you can all talk about your own brand of hospitality.
Who to Ask It To: Asking this question gives you a guide of what you should or should not do before coming to their home. Take your bestie’s advice!
18. What unwritten rules will you add to the law to make you exempt from a certain crime?
Type of Conversation It Starts: A little self-serving, but it could really spark a debate on what sort of things you could do with the law. Interesting, ain’t it?
Who to Ask It To: This one may upset people actually affiliated with the law, so make sure to avoid asking it to those, or voice it as purely hypothetical.
19. What is one movie that you cannot watch with anyone?
Type of Conversation It Starts: Probably something raunchy. But, if you're going to ask this, be prepared to share with the group. Either way, I'm sure everyone has their pick, so this could make for a fun little gossip session.
Who to Ask It To: It's best to ask friends, or people you can trust, this question. This sort of question reveals embarrassing secrets about people, so it's best to share with those who won't spread it around.

via: Mantelligence
20. The constant absorption of magical moonbeams mixed with the radioactive vegetables you consumed earlier have given you the ability to resurrect the dead famous person of your choice. So which late celebrity will you bring back to life?
Type of Conversation It Starts: See? It's a weird way of asking a normal question. But that's what makes a silly question memorable! You'll have a blast asking this two-part question, spawning endless answers from all the people you ask.
Who to Ask It To: Anyone you asked the first question will do! But for plus points, ask your crush who their celebrity crush is. Maybe if you emulate them enough, they'll pick you instead.
21. What is the worst thing you ever did after drinking a mandatory amount of alcohol?
Type of Conversation It Starts: Drunk stories are the best stories, as I know very well. You and your friends can reminisce on the most embarrassing moments you’ve had way back in your teenage years, or even now, as adults!
Who to Ask It To: When you get comfortable enough to ask this on a night out, go ahead and find out your newly-found friends’ funniest drunken moments and have a good laugh.
22. What songs are included in the soundtrack to your life?
Type of Conversation It Starts: Music is a fantastic way to connect with someone, and people who love music can talk endlessly about it. Be prepared to share songs and favorite artists!
Who to Ask It To: You can pose this question to close friends, family relatives, or could be your significant other to learn about their preferences.

via: Mantelligence
23. Ideally, into how many slices should you divide a pizza?
Type of Conversation It Starts: This is perfect for starting a conversation about food, because who doesn't like pizza? A random question like this may be strange to some, but sometimes this is just what you need to break the ice.
Who to Ask It To: I imagine asking your crush this unexpected question wouldn't actually hurt your chances. You never know; you might make her think of getting pizza with you. Try it out!
24. Which ridiculous fact do you know that you will dare to correct?
Type of Conversation It Starts: The world has endless possibilities, so whatever ridiculous facts you may know, there will be a lot of ways to refute them too. This is a great question to start a conversation about these silly and outrageous facts!
Who to Ask It To: Plenty of people are perfect for this question. But for the best results, ask people who love trivia. Trivia is, after all, basically a collection of ridiculous facts!
25. Which day do you think the start of the week is, Sunday or Monday?
Type of Conversation It Starts: An age-old question that nevertheless starts heated debate between Sunday purists and Monday minders. Fun fact: if the beginning of the week is Sunday, your week is almost halfway over by Tuesday!
Who to Ask It To: There's no wrong person to ask, but here's an idea: use this question as a way to reconnect with old friends in school. I'm sure we all wish it would be one or the other.
26. If you could explore anything Indiana Jones/Lara Croft style in a living world, where would you go first?
Type of Conversation It Starts: We all wish we could swashbuckle like they did, so why not use this to start a conversation about all the adventures you want to go on?
Who to Ask It To: Your partner-in-crime, of course. Everyone needs a partner when they go adventuring, unlike these two examples.
27. Will you tell anyone the most embarrassing thing that you have done when you are drunk?
Type of Conversation It Starts: I'm sure this will have quite the story behind it, so be prepared for a lengthy tale. If you want to have a deep conversation, you have to take your chances and ask a deep question, even if there's a risk of being awkward.
Who to Ask It To: Drunk calling someone may be a popular response to this question. Even better, ask your drinking partner!
28. Will humans spread out among the stars or just be a brief blip in Earth's history?
Type of Conversation It Starts: It's a weird question, definitely, but it may start a good exchange about your inner thoughts about humanity's existence. Try it out!
Who to Ask It To: Will the human race destroy itself or discover a way to chart the galaxy? Maybe your college professor can make time for some weird talks.
29. Do you have a secret talent but are not willing to share?
Type of Conversation It Starts: This one is definitely juicy. What if your friend is secretly a whiz with technology? An amazing singer? You can discover so many new sides of the people you ask.
Who to Ask It To: A friend whom you don't know all that much about, so that you can discover more about them.
30. What body part do you want to improve from your current body to escape aging?
Type of Conversation It Starts: Insecurities about personal appearance may be a sensitive topic, so be careful when you ask this question. It can start a talk about body choices, so tread carefully and ask only appropriate follow-up questions.
Who to Ask It To: Careful who you ask - we all are somewhat sensitive about our bodies. Find a person who isn't overly self-conscious, and ask - but be polite.
31. At what point of the rest of your life are you good enough?
Type of Conversation It Starts: You can ask this to someone to discover how content they are with their lives. Sometimes, we're bettered by continuing to work hard, while for others, they're at their best when they aren't worrying.
Who to Ask It To: Asking a close friend, member of your family, or even a therapist may be useful if you want to explore the idea of being "good enough".
32. Do you believe that eternity exists?
Type of Conversation It Starts: We all have our belief systems, and that says a lot about who we are as people. This starts a conversation about beliefs, and what you'd do with that eternity.
Who to Ask It To: Although philosophers and theologians are the masters of this, you can pose this in group chats or online forums to find plenty of different viewpoints.
33. Never have I ever had laughed at my funniest name.
Type of Conversation It Starts: This one starts a conversation about their funny nicknames given to them as kids. Some of those may be particularly embarrassing, but the day we can laugh about them is the day we can consider ourselves adults.
Who to Ask It To: It’s never a bad idea to have afternoon tea with your childhood friends. Catching up with old friends will surely make your day lighter!

via: Mantelligence
34. You are playing a video game on a bet, and you're almost winning but suddenly your girlfriend called, will you answer it or not?
Type of Conversation It Starts: Funny question or difficult question? Either way, you'll have plenty of fun imagining up scenarios where you lose a bet for silly reasons.
Who to Ask It To: Feel free to ask your friends funny questions like this. I'm sure many of them have encountered this situation before; they can share a few funny anecdotes.
35. Never have I ever talked to an inanimate object.
Type of Conversation It Starts: When we have a lot of thoughts, sometimes we just speak to the things around us. This starts a conversation about how crazy you get that you need to talk to someone, and even if there's no one there, you'd still talk to something that wouldn't respond.
Who to Ask It To: Anyone! You can exchange questions and "never have I ever" types of fun games; you can even ask them to recall what they talked about.
36. Never have I ever talked to monkeys during a zoo date.
Type of Conversation It Starts: That's weird, but when you're in a zoo, sometimes talking to animals seems inevitable. It starts a conversation about which animals you particularly gravitate to when you go to a zoo.
Who to Ask It To: Bring your romantic partner to New York Zoos, and ask this question. I'm sure we've all talked to cats and dogs before, after all.
37. Never have I ever searched the trash bin looking for something I accidentally threw away.
Type of Conversation It Starts: We've all been there, but what made someone dive into that dumpster? It starts a talk about how important something is that you'd fish it out of the trash.
Who to Ask It To: What's one thing you've searched for, and how was the experience? Share with your pals!
38. Never have I ever wondered if I would die if I swallowed gum.
Type of Conversation It Starts: Never have I ever games are such interesting games, are they not? Use this to start a conversation about the stupid things you do that could possibly hurt you. Ask if your friends have ever tried it before!
Who to Ask It To: If your friends hadn't thought of it before... they are starting to now. You can also ask them if their parents have ever said anything to make them afraid of swallowing gum.
39. Never have I ever thought that pineapple has real eyes.
Type of Conversation It Starts: I told you this would be weird. I mean, have you ever heard this question before? But try it out; you'll never know. Maybe it leads to a good exchange about the legend of the pineapple.
Who to Ask It To: You can discuss this over supper with your family. Let them linger in that awkward silence, smirking at them all the while. A funny question, indeed.

via: Mantelligence
40. Which comes first, chickens or eggs? Eggs or chickens?
Type of Conversation It Starts: Have you ever heard this ice breaker question before? I bet you have. You'll find out how creative someone is when they justify which of these came first.
Who to Ask It To: Science lovers are the perfect candidates for this question. If you've got a few of those in your group, they could either give you the correct answer or weird one. Just go with it!
41. Never have I recorded myself doing my favorite dance moves and send it to my crush.
Type of Conversation It Starts: We all have embarrassing crush stories, don’t we all? This is an interesting question that starts a talk about what you've done to get your crush's attention.
Who to Ask It To: There are strange and outrageous things we do to impress the people we like. Find out if they're one of these people who has done this crazy thing.
42. Never have I ever went to a grocery store and realized I forgot my wallet at the cashier.
Type of Conversation It Starts: This can happen to anyone at any point in their lives. You can use this to talk about all the clumsy, careless things we ended up doing.
Who to Ask It To: POV: your mom is a grocery shopping addict. She probably has this experience already, so tease her. Lightheartedly, of course.
43. Never have I ever pretended like I'm a real-life superhero such as Batman or Superman.
Type of Conversation It Starts: If there were people we wanted to be, our heroes would be the best option. Use this to start a conversation about what you could do if you had real superpowers. What stuff would you do and fix?
Who to Ask It To: Whether it's Batman, Superman, or even Aquaman, discussing this choice would be a good way to get your friends talking.
44. Who is most likely to become rich and act like a hero?
Type of Conversation It Starts: Find out now, and be sure never to lose contact. There is always someone in the group who you're sure will go places and really succeed in life. Use this to start a talk about the successes of your friends and discuss what they will do to get there.
Who to Ask It To: This question is fun when you’re in a large group of people that have the potential of either. Expand your connections, they say.
45. Who is most likely to give all their money to charity?
Type of Conversation It Starts: All eyes on that person; who usually covers everyone's bill? Use this to begin a discussion about who the most generous people are in your group.
Who to Ask It To: Again, another one you should never lose contact with. You never know; they may just be the people who you need in the future.

via: Mantelligence
46. What funniest joke do you know that doesn't make other people laugh?
Type of Conversation It Starts: Funnily enough, the first time I asked this, I unexpectedly got a few jokes that were actually hilarious. Maybe they just told it to the wrong people? Either way, you'll ironically start a conversation filled with funny jokes if you ask this.
Who to Ask It To: When you have friends who laugh at every single thing, it would be hard to find a joke they wouldn't find funny. Ask them to tell the joke the best way they can, and I guarantee that the ineffectiveness of the joke will be funnier than the joke itself.
47. Who is most likely to die of something stupid?
Type of Conversation It Starts: To keep the friendship group alive, there’s always gotta be at least one stupid friend. Let them do the talk! It will definitely be an entertaining conversation.
Who to Ask It To: Pick out the one who will never grow out of their stupidity. Let's hope it doesn't actually happen, though. Keep an eye out for these people, okay?
48. Who is most likely to meet a ghost?
Type of Conversation It Starts: If this won’t add more flavor to your conversation, I don’t know what else would. Talking about the supernatural is the best way to share spooky stories!
Who to Ask It To: Some people are more spiritual than others, so maybe it's those people who are more likely to interact with spirits.
49. Who is most likely to go hiking with strangers?
Type of Conversation It Starts: Are they just friendly or fearless? Either way, the topic will shift to that person and all the potentially dangerous things they could do.
Who to Ask It To: Naturally, ask the friendliest or the most fearless person in your social circle.
50. Who is most likely to have a bad sense of humor?
Type of Conversation It Starts: "Most likely to" questions always spark fun conversations. After all, for each person most likely to do or have done something, there's a story behind it.
Who to Ask It To: A group of friends who love their jokes may just be the ones to ask. Even bad humor can be effective in making people laugh.
51. Who is most likely to become addicted to dairy?
Type of Conversation It Starts: Make sure you have milk and cheese nearby when you ask this. Whoever eats or drinks the most will likely give you all a laugh!
Who to Ask It To: Find the cheese fiend in your midst. Or the milk master. Pick the one who always asks for extra butter or cheese when you go out to eat.

via: Mantelligence
52. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?
Type of Conversation It Starts: This open-ended question can start off a meaningful conversation on its scenario. Finding an unspoiled land that you can mold as you like offers so much possibilities, it's hard to settle for just any one! Am interesting question, for sure.
Who to Ask It To: You can ask this to anyone! With all the possibilities for answers, you shouldn't settle for any one person's opinion. Ask away!
53. Who is more likely to keep weapons in their car?
Type of Conversation It Starts: You're not just gonna talk about who's the most paranoid; you're gonna talk about what they expect to happen that they need weapons for. It could be for an impending zombie apocalypse or survival situation!
Who to Ask It To: Who's the most paranoid friend you know? They'd probably be keeping weapons in their car or at their house. Either way, feel free to ask everyone except that person.
54. Who is most likely to open a present before the prescribed date?
Type of Conversation It Starts: Sometimes, the excitement gets the better of them that they can't help but open the gift. This one starts a conversation about just who can't wait to see what they got!
Who to Ask It To: When at your Christmas party, you can use this question during a conversation with the guests. Feel free to call out those who plan to open their gifts once they get home.
55. Who is most likely to help a thief escape?
Type of Conversation It Starts: This one can come out of the blue. It'd start a conversation about the reasons why people would help someone commit a crime!
Who to Ask It To: Kind-hearted, or were they just the easiest to buy off? Whichever is the case, let's all hope that they wouldn't let the thief escape if it happened for real.

via: Mantelligence
56. You accidentally ate some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what's even cooler is that they endow you with the superpower of your choice! What's it gonna be?
Type of Conversation It Starts: Once you get them talking about what they'll do with their chosen superpower, you'll be talking about it for hours. You can also follow it up by asking who their favorite superhero is!
Who to Ask It To: Everyone has been exposed to superheroes growing up, so you can ask almost anyone. That being said, I'm sure plenty have been asked this question already, so you need to change things up. Instead of just asking, "What superpower would you choose?", adding a little flair to a question is effective. Plus, it's a great conversation starter.
57. Have you ever eaten paper?
Type of Conversation It Starts: You'd start a ton of debates about all the weird things we got up to because we were too young, bored, or curious. I haven't eaten paper, but have you?
Who to Ask It To: It's strange to ask, but some people just have weird habits or tendencies to try weird things. Find out if your new friend has ever tried this.
58. What do you think your five-year-old self will tell you?
Type of Conversation It Starts: The talk would start off with, "Hey, even if your favorite season is Christmas and you're excited to open your presents, there is nothing better than opening them with your parents on a cold Christmas morning." At least, that's how it did when I asked.
Who to Ask It To: Catching up with long-time friends over wine is the best time to ask such questions. You know, the people who were there with you when you were five.
59. When you poop at home, do you drop your pants around your ankles or take them all the way off?
Type of Conversation It Starts: A hilarious conversation where everyone tries to justify their choice to the other. There'll be plenty of people in one camp or the other.
Who to Ask It To: Casual friends who you'd like to share a laugh with.
60. What can you talk about for hours?
Type of Conversation It Starts: What can you talk about for 3 years with your long-term boyfriend or girlfriend? It’s a great chance to talk about relationship stuff with your friends.
Who to Ask It To: Be surprised when they have prepared an hour-long PowerPoint presentation to talk about their favorite letter of the alphabet. Or maybe that one loophole in their favorite movie. Tag those friends you miss!
61. Are you afraid to ride an ambulance?
Type of Conversation It Starts: People have some strange fears about various things, including ambulances, which are meant to save you. Use this to start a talk about your fears with each other.
Who to Ask It To: You can ask anyone this, actually. Even if they say yes, you can still use this to segue into other topics.
62. Do you smell your armpits?
Type of Conversation It Starts: I know it's gross, but sometimes we just can't avoid having to smell ourselves to check if we need to take a shower. Say this to begin a conversation about your personal hygiene habits. Your friends may learn a lot from you!
Who to Ask It To: As long as you’re all comfortable, ask your friends this and go laugh out loud. It’s fun engaging with friends with silly conversations!
Follow Up: Additional question: How do you try to smell it when there are people around?

via: Mantelligence
63. You have been given the opportunity to create the half-hour TV show of your own design. What is it called, and what's the premise?
Type of Conversation It Starts: You're the producer, and you get to decide what's shown on TV. It doesn't matter if it's a hit, you get to pick whatever you want! Hypothetical questions like this are fun because they make the one you're talking to really think.
Who to Ask It To: If you ask this to someone who loves TV shows, you will probably have an awesome conversation. They'd imagine every interesting thing they've done and see which ones they can use in the show they'd create.
Ultimate List of Weird Questions To Ask
Question Categories
Weird Questions To Ask

via: Pexels / Keira Burton
Getting weird and freaky may seem counter-intuitive when talking to someone, but I assure you that it works. Apart from making yourself look more fun-loving and approachable, choosing fun and silly topics can be beneficial, because you get to talk about stuff that I bet you've never thought about.
Plus, when you ask weird questions, you will also discover how endearingly quirky they can get. Since people are usually unpredictable, you may be surprised that what comes off as "weird" or "strange" to you could be mundane to them.
With that in mind, let's see how bizarre you feel these weird questions to ask are, and whether or not the people you ask them feel the same!
- Which one would you prefer: have no nose but have really good smelling fingers or be blind but have a really nice smile?
- If you have described something as indescribable, haven’t you already described it?
- Do you think if anything is possible, it’s still possible for anything to be impossible?
- Have you ever attempted to swallow toothpaste?
- If you could trade lives with someone for a day, who would it be and what would you do?
- If you could rename one everyday object, what would you choose and what name would you give it?
- If you could have any talent that you don't currently possess, what would you choose?
- If you could be invisible for a day, how would you spend your time?
- What’s the color of the mirror?
- If man developed from monkeys, why do we still have monkeys?
Weirder Questions To Ask

via: Pexels / Jopwell
Now that you've tried some the weird questions we have here, you might be looking for weirder ones that will build even crazier conversations.
Having a dynamic conversation with someone always requires both sides contributing significant ideas to the conversation. If you ask some seriously disturbing and strange things, it will get the other person thinking and digging into their brain. It makes the conversation much more fun and involved!
- How do birds actually pee?
- Why aren't they using blanks if it's friendly fire?
- If you could have any celebrity be your assistant for a week, who would you choose and what tasks would you have them do?
- If you could create a new holiday dedicated to something unusual, what would it be and how would it be celebrated?
- If you could instantly become an expert in any quirky skill, what skill would you choose?
- If you could have a lifetime supply of one random item, what would you want it to be?
- To kill an elephant, how many chickens would be required?
- Have you ever unwrapped and rewrapped a gift bearing your name?
- Why is it that lemon juice has an artificial flavor while dishwashing liquid has real lemons?
- Why do you think are manholes round?
Weirdest Questions To Ask

via: Pexels / Kampus Production
When you talk about absurd things, it will lead to equally awesome conversations with the person you're talking to. Questions about outer space, history, and other things may be deeply disturbing, but they will open up many angles and corners in your mind. They will tell you many different things about each other, even if those things may be strange.
Use these to discover the deepest, darkest and weirdest parts of your talking partner's brain. You'll never know what you'd find!
- If you could have a pet dinosaur, what type of dinosaur would you choose and how would you take care of it?
- Have you ever been tempted to sleep inside the fridge?
- If you could have a third eye anywhere on your body, where would you place it and what would you use it for?
- Do you think cavemen experienced nightmares about cavewomen?
- Are we really living or just slowly dying?
- If animals could drive cars, which species do you think would be the best driver?
- Which side of the armrest is really yours at a movie theater?
- If you could have a pocket dimension that could hold anything you wanted, what would you keep in it and why?
- What have you forgotten today?
- Do bald people still get dandruff?
Weird Questions To Ask Video
Weird Questions To Ask Infographic

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Downloadable and Printable List of Weird Questions To Ask
Here is a downloadable and printable jpg/pdf list of Weird questions to ask (right click the image and select Save Image As...):

via: Mantelligence
Frequently Asked Questions

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Do you have any more things you want to clear up about weird questions to ask people? Check these frequently asked questions and see if they answer any of your questions.
What is the strangest question you've heard someone ask?
Have you ever drank coffee from a cup left by someone else at a coffee shop? Or maybe: Is having a snake as a pet make you more perceptive about the world? It depends on what you define "strange" as, whether it's extremely out of the ordinary or just plain non sense.
What makes a question weird?
A question is weird when it's out of context and completely random. Like the questions on this list, the randomness is what makes the questions strange and weird.
Why does everyone ask weird questions? Is it normal to ask such questions?
People ask weird questions because they just need some way to break the ice and ease tension. It's normal, in a sense that we all just want to clear the awkward air and have something to talk about, even if it is just about weird stuff.
Are questions that are weird offensive to ask?
Some may be offensive to ask, but sometimes, they may be alright when you ask them in good faith. Just steer clear of inappropriate topics, to be sure.
How do I know if I'm asking a really freaky question to the woman I like?
The list above has a lot of questions to ask a girl you like, but if you want to know if you're asking a freaky question, just put yourself in her shoes. If you were asked that particular question, would you feel okay about it?
Is there any benefit in asking these types of questions?
Besides breaking the ice, asking these types of questions still help you get to know the other person. It might be unconventional and a little awkward at first, but it enables you to learn about each other in ways that would never come up normally.
How to ask weird questions?
Asking weird questions shows that you're creative and don't mind being silly. That you can be yourself and be confident about it. People will respond and they'll like you more. However, you still need to know how to successfully spark conversations, so here are some tips to help you in that regard.
- Let go of your pride. When you think you're too cool to be silly, you're boring. And if you want an interesting conversation, you can't be boring.
- Preface the questions (or don't). Some people aren't comfortable with their weirdness. If they seem a little uptight, ask if they want to trade weird questions and see who can ask the weirdest one. If the one you're already talking to seems a little out there, ask away to get on their level.
- Pay attention. Being too weird throws people off. Be attentive to how your questions are received, and tone it down to ensure the discussion doesn't go awry.
- Know the difference between weird and random. One important note: Being random is NOT the same as being weird. Being random is what you do with your best friend. You know each other extremely well and understand each others' humor, so it's understood that you're going to be ridiculous together with your inside jokes and silly antics. Being random with a stranger or someone you want to like is annoying. If you want to make friends, randomness is your enemy.
For example, simply asking "Container?" is random and allows for no reasonable answer. On the other hand, asking a person, "What's your favorite container?" is random, yes, but it also offers them to think about a special keepsake box, a piggy bank from their childhood, or some other thing. This is what I mean when I talk about being random. As long as you offer a chance for a reasonable response, you can engage in a meaningful conversation.
More Great Questions to Ask
Looking for more great questions to ask? We've got you covered:
- Would you rather questions are always a blast to ask and are perfect at getting a group of strangers to open up. You'll be the life of any party if you use them.
- If the talking is dwindling and you seem to be losing a person's interest, try some random questions to ask. You might bring back the conversation from the brink of falling flat.
- Get to know you questions are a must-have when making a new friend, so make sure to have them ready!