via: Pexels / cottonbro
When chatting with someone you like, you have probably wondered about the best questions to ask your crush. Asking questions is always a great idea because it encourages the other person to talk about themselves, but what are the most effective questions to ask?
Everybody wonders how to talk to girls because, at times, it can seem really difficult. The great thing is that once you know some awesome questions to ask a girl you like, you'll find talking to your crush so much easier. Take a look at the list below and choose some of your favorites from these brilliant questions so you can have them ready to ask.
5 Best questions to ask your crush

via: Pexels / cottonbro
If you want to quickly find out the ultimate questions to ask a crush, you've come to the right place. Note down a few of the questions below, learn them off by heart and you'll never be stuck for something to say to your crush.
1. What skill would you love to master?
This helps you learn more about their interests.
2. When you’re angry or in a bad mood, what do you do to get yourself out of it?
People deal with their emotions in different ways - do you both deal with them similarly?
3. Where is the most beautiful place you’ve ever been to?
Showing an interest in her travels is a great way to engage her.
4. What family traditions do you love?
This is a great question to ask during the holiday season.
5. What's one thing that can instantly make your day better?
This is a nice question to ask because it has positive associations.

via: Unsplash / Benjamin Child
6 conversation starters to ask your crush

via: Pexels / cottonbro
Conversation starters help to get the conversation flowing, making it easier for you and your crush to chat. These conversation starters take away any awkwardness and encourage the person you like to talk about themselves.
6. Do you prefer cats or dogs?
This is a very simple question but one which can start a debate.
7. What are you most proud of?
Asking this is far more interesting than just asking about their achievements.
8. Giant house in a subdivision or a tiny house somewhere with a view?
Finding out whether she's a city or country person can help you two bond.
9. Ideally, how would you spend your birthday?
This is a nice question because lots of people enjoy their birthday so it's a fun thing to think about.
10. Where do you get your news?
Asking something like this will help you find out how much they know about the world.

via: Unsplash / Mattias Diesel
4 Flirty questions to ask your crush

via: Pexels / Dalila Dalprat
If you want to flirt with your crush but aren't sure how to begin, asking questions can be a great way to start. These flirty questions to ask a girl are exactly what's needed to begin the conversation and get her chatting.
11. If I called you really late at night, would you answer?
This is a flirty question because it implies that she might want to hear from you in the middle of the night.
12. When did you have your first kiss?
Everyone likes to talk about their first kiss so this is a good question to ask.
13. Do you enjoy cuddling?
Most people like cuddling but you might learn more about what the person you're talking to enjoys.
14. What music do you find sexy?
Asking what someone finds sexy is always enthralling.
4 Funny questions to ask your crush

via: Unsplash / Sarah Noltner
Getting someone to laugh is a great way to break the ice and these funny questions to ask are exactly what you need when you're hoping to amuse someone. Chatting about things that you find funny is a good way to find some common ground and see what you both share.
15. What is your favorite meme?
Asking someone to show you their favorite meme or video is a great way to get both of you laughing.

via: Pexels / Polina Kovaleva
16. Can you remember the wildest thing you ever did?
The wildest thing that she did will probably make a very funny story.
17. What celebrity have you been told that you look like?
Everyone has a celebrity that people say they look like.
18. Did you ever have a crush on a teacher?
Finding out whether she has a crush on a teacher is both funny and flirty.
5 fun questions to ask your crush

via: Unsplash / Chandra Daru Nusastiawan
These fun questions to ask someone that you like are really useful to know because they show that you're an amusing and chilled guy. You can use them as ice breakers or as a way to get your crush to see that you're a fun-loving person.
19. Who is your celebrity crush?
Anyone who says they don't have a celebrity crush isn't telling the truth.
20. Who is your favorite entertainer (comedian, musician, actor, etc.)?
Who doesn't love to talk about their favorite comedians and actors?

via: Unsplash / Pea
21. If you started a band, what would it be called?
It's super fun to think about band names and instruments you would play.
22. What was the best television show on when you were a child?
Use this opportunity to reminisce about your childhoods.
23. Which celebrity do you think will be President next?
It can be interesting to find out peoples' thoughts on celebrities running for president.
6 Get To Know You Questions To Ask Your Crush

via: Pexels / Ketut Subiyanto
What is the best way to find out more about someone you like? Asking to get to know you questions can help you learn about their likes and interests so they're really useful when speaking to someone that you don't know well.
24. What's something weird that you find attractive?
This helps you get to know someone and find out strange things about them.
25. What three words best describe you?
A quick and easy way to find out about someone new.

via: Pexels / Chu Cuong
26. What’s your most embarrassing hobby?
If you have an embarrassing hobby you can talk about yours too.
27. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
These two opposing types of people are very different in their approach to life.
28. What's your most prized possession and why?
This is a question that the person probably won't have been asked before.
29. What career advice would you give to your younger self?
This is especially interesting if the person is very career-driven.
5 Questions to ask your crush over text

via: Pexels / Ekaterina Bolovtsova
If you're texting your crush, you might feel like you're running out of things to say. But there are some questions which work really well over text and encourage her to talk about herself. These questions to ask a girl over text are perfect for keeping the momentum going.
30. What’s the funniest picture you have on your phone?
This is a good question to ask your crush because they can send you the picture.

via: Pexels / Julia Larson
31. What’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve seen online recently?
When texting, your crush can send you a photo or link.
32. Do you think it’s okay to keep secrets?
Your crush might tell you a secret if you ask this question.
33. Are you enjoying the class you joined recently?
Perfect for someone that you meet at school or college.
34. What emoji do you use when flirting?
Finding out this information might help you in the future.
5 First date questions to ask your crush

via: Pexels / INSYNCT MEDIA
Going on a first date is a great first step in getting to know someone properly. The best way to get someone talking about theirself is to ask interesting, thoughtful questions. These first date questions to ask your crush are the best thing to help them open up.
35. What’s on your bucket list?
This is a great question because you can see if you have shared goals.

via: Pexels / Vijay Saiwal
36. What are some random fun facts about you?
Everyone has fun facts or claims to fame that they can talk about.
37. Are you more of an indoors or outdoors person?
You can find out if you're both a good fit for each other.
38. What is your idea of exotic food and have you ever tried any?
Exotic means different things to different people.
39. Are you allergic to anything?
Interesting and important information if you carry on dating.
4 Random questions to ask your crush

via: Unsplash / Yolanda Sun
Want to just throw something out there and see how the girl you like responds? These random questions to ask are great for starting a conversation or filling in quiet moments.
40. What do you do to get rid of stress?
You can pick up some tips when asking this question.

via: Pexels / Andrea Piacquadio
41. What TV series do you keep coming back to and re-watching?
Be sure to think of a series that you keep watching too.
42. What’s the one thing you would tell your teenage self if you could go back in time?
It can be a very personal thing to think about but an interesting one.
43. To other people, are you shy or outspoken?
It's fascinating to see how someone thinks of themself.
6 most likely to questions to ask your crush

via: Pexels / mentatdgt
Most likely to questions are super fun and they help you get to know your crush's family or friends when you ask them. These short questions are meant to be asked in batches, so choose a few from the list below and ask away.
44. Most likely to go a week without a shower?
Find out who your crush thinks is the grossest.
45. Most likely to go hiking with strangers?
You might both have to think for a minute before answering this one.

via: Pexels / Maël BALLAND
46. Most likely to go on a blind date arranged by their mom?
Do you know anyone who would do this?
47. Most likely to go skydiving?
Everyone has a daredevil friend.
48. Most likely to fall asleep in class?
If you go to the same school or college, this is a funny question.
49. Most like to forget important dates?
It's easy to be forgetful sometimes.
6 truth or dare questions to ask your crush

via: Pexels / Andrea Piacquadio
If you're thinking of truth or dare questions to ask someone you like, you're going to want to take note of the questions below. These questions will make your crush think hard about whether they want to tell you their secrets or whether they want to ask for a dare instead.
50. Tell us your most embarrassing vomit story.
This is a super fun question.

via: Pexels / Maurício Mascaro
51. Send a screenshot of your search history for the last two days.
This could be a really embarrassing dare.
52. Have you ever stalked a crush?
A question like this can throw up an embarrassing story.
53. When is the last time you lied to a friend to get out of doing something?
This could land someone in hot water.
54. What do you hate the most about family gatherings?
Everyone hates something about family gatherings.
55. Have you ever let someone else get in trouble for something that you did?
Maybe you could find out a secret when asking this.
4 never have I ever questions to ask your crush

via: Pexels / Helena Lopes
These never have I ever questions are great for getting to know one person or a group of people because they let you find out about crazy or exciting things they have done.
56. Never have I ever gotten stitches.
You need a really bad injury to get stitches.
57. Never have I ever cut my own hair.
Lots of people have had a go at this.
58. Never have I ever peed in a pool.
It's rare that someone has never done this.
59. Never have I ever prank called a restaurant.
Prank calling is a rite of passage for kids.
5 Would you rather questions to ask your crush

via: Pexels / cottonbro
Are you having trouble thinking up fantastic would you rather questions? If so, the following list is here to help you step up your question asking game. By using these questions, you'll find out loads about your crush and her personality.
60. Would you rather watch the sunset or sunrise?
This is a very pleasant question to ask.

via: Pexels / Rachel Claire
61. Would you rather date someone with sophisticated mannerisms or someone with a sophisticated dress sense?
With this question, you can see whether your crush prefers outward or inward characteristics.
62. Would you rather watch a romantic movie or an action movie?
You can tell a lot from someone's movie choice.
63. Would you rather be able to talk to animals or be able to speak any language?
You should have a think about your answer to this too.
64. Would you rather only be able to eat pasta with a spoon or only be able to eat cereal with a fork?
This will force someone to think about what they like to eat.
6 Deep questions to ask your crush

via: Pexels / ROMAN ODINTSOV
Depp questions allow people to give honest and heartfelt answers which can create a bond between you. These deep questions to ask are the best if you're hoping to get an interesting answer from your crush.
65. What’s the biggest regret you have?
Be sure that someone is ready for this personal question.

via: Pexels / Liza Summer
66. In your opinion, what makes humanity successful?
Maybe your crush won't think humanity is successful yet.
67. What inspires you the most?
This is a nice positive question to ask.
68. If there’s one thing you would love to do to change the world, what would it be?
You can find out what kind of person she is.
69. Have you identified your soul purpose?
Many of us don't, but some people do know their purpose.
70. Have you ever done a deep conversation with yourself?
Downloadable List of Questions To Ask Your Crush
Here is a downloadable list of questions to ask your crush (right-click the image and select Save Image As:):
How To Pick The Best Questions To Ask Your Crush

via: Pexels / Vlada Karpovich
Although there are some brilliant questions here, you might be stuck choosing between them. If you follow the quick tips below, you'll be able to pick the best questions to ask your crush.
1. Consider how well you know your crush

via: Unsplash / Joanna Nix-Walkup
If you don't know your crush very well or this will be your first time meeting them, it makes sense to keep the questions general. You'll want to work on finding out the basic details of their life before you jump into asking deeper questions.
2. Think about the location of your conversation

via: Unsplash / nomao saeki
The best questions to ask your crush are ones that she can answer easily. If you are at work or school, she might be embarrassed if you ask her lots of questions in front of other people. However, if you two are alone such as when you're on a date, you can ask fun or deep questions.
3. Think about what you want to find out

via: Pexels / Ketut Subiyanto
Conversations should flow and make sense - if you ask lots of random questions one after the other, the conversation will be confusing for your crush. If you want to ask something, in particular, talk about that topic so the question makes sense.
More Questions To Ask
If you're wondering what other questions you can ask, you might want to take a look at some other categories of questions. These can provide some awesome queries to ask your crush or someone new that you meet.
- Speed dating can be both fun and daunting, but the experience can be made much less scary when you have a few of these awesome speed dating questions up your sleeve.
- The best way to find out more about someone's experiences and personality is by asking them about their life. These personal questions are exactly what's needed for that.
- If you're meeting someone for the first time, you might want to break the ice so that everyone is relaxed. These ice breaker questions will help everyone get to know each other.
In Conclusion
These brilliant questions to ask your crush will help you get to know her and will help her to realize that you're interesting to be around. Thoughtful questions to ask are great because they allow equally thoughtful answers. You need never be stuck for questions to ask a girl you like. In fact, if you're wondering how to talk to girls, you'll be pleased to know that all you need are some great questions to get the conversation going.