71 Romantic Valentine’s Day Captions for the Love of Your Life

In this post, we're breaking down a list of Valentine's Day captions! I've shared a lot of tips to help men and women with their dating woes, from breaking down awesome kissing techniques to teaching men how to pick the best first date outfit. If you need help...


How To Be Sexy (7 Epic Ways To Become an Ultimate Hot Guy)

How To Be Sexy (7 Epic Ways To Become an Ultimate Hot Guy)

Today, I'm teaching you how to be sexy in all the right ways. I've always believed that sexiness exceeds our physical qualities. Being sexy is more than just having a six-pack or perfecting the smolder. If you want to ooze sex appeal, just learning how to look...

How to Be Cool & Make Them Wow: 5 Ultimate Ways

How to Be Cool & Make Them Wow: 5 Ultimate Ways

So you want to know how to be cool, huh? I'm talking about blow-things-up-and-then-walk-away cool. Well, then this guide exists just for you. There's a reason why almost every man wants to be a cool guy. I mean, have you seen any of George Clooney, Brad Pitt, and...

5 Worst Things That Make You Look Immature - Easily Terrify Her

5 Worst Things That Make You Look Immature - Easily Terrify Her

Today, we're going to show you exactly how to stop being an immature guy for long enough to get a hot date. Sometimes, there are things that make you look immature that you don't even know you do. And we're not talking about the obvious things like lack of grooming,...

73 Topics & Things To Talk About (Funny, Interesting, Random)

73 Topics & Things To Talk About (Funny, Interesting, Random)

Needing things to talk about when you find yourself in a room of new people? Being perpetually tongue-tied is difficult and knowing how to start a conversation is hard. And knowing how to keep a conversation going with a girl is even harder! What you really need is a...

How To Get A Girlfriend Fast (20 Proven Tips)

How To Get A Girlfriend Fast (20 Proven Tips)

If there's one question that has perplexed men throughout history, it's how to get a girlfriend. That question, though, can really mean different things to different men. For some who already have a girl in mind, they want to know how to get the girl. For others, they...

158+ Really Fun Date Ideas (Cute, Romantic, Memorable)

158+ Really Fun Date Ideas (Cute, Romantic, Memorable)

Whether you’ve been dating for a while or new to it, having an arsenal of date ideas is key to an exciting and exhilarating dating life. As with most things, all ideas aren’t created equal. That’s why I am here. Today we’re going to dive into some of the best date...


The Best Beer of the Month Club 2021 | Reviews by Mantelligence

The Best Beer of the Month Club 2021 | Reviews by Mantelligence

If there's nothing you love more than trying the wild flavors of every new craft brew, then enrolling in a beer of the month club is a great choice for you! After researching dozens of beer of the month clubs and reviewing four top competitors for best beer of the...

The 10 Best Antiperspirants and Deodorants for Men

The 10 Best Antiperspirants and Deodorants for Men

NO information on this site is intended as medical advice and should NOT be used to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease or condition.All information and resources found on are based on the...

186 Best Hobbies for Men - You'll Enjoy These Wonderful Ideas

186 Best Hobbies for Men - You'll Enjoy These Wonderful Ideas

If you're always on the lookout for the best hobbies for men, this post is for you. I've written a bunch of lists of hobbies so I know how important hobbies are to become the man you've always wanted to be. So... to help you out, we’ve provided some men's hobby ideas...

Hate mosquitoes? Mantelligence's founder is launching a family-safe mosquito control trap soon.

Mantelligence founder launching World's First Highly-Effective Mosquito Trap, Powered by Essential Oils.

Launching: Mosgone is a brand-new DIY, Effective and Family-Safe Backyard Mosquito Eliminator

Mosgone: DIY, Effective, and Safe Backyard Mosquito Eliminator launching soon.

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