86 Best Harry Potter Trivia Questions And Answers

Calling all Harry Potter fans: are you ready for our Harry Potter trivia questions? They make perfect ice breaker questions, movie trivia prompts, and more. As an experienced writer of pop culture trivia, I can assure you that you will be amazed by the depth and range...

5 Facts About Attraction: The Science Behind It All

Gentlemen, this is Mantelligence. I'm here today with Kaye and Larry to talk about a very hot topic! Today, we are going to explore the science of untamed attraction. We were inspired by Far From Average's video, where he shared facts about attraction, and so we...


11 Charming PUA Tricks - Fantastic Ways To Help You Get The Girl

11 Charming PUA Tricks - Fantastic Ways To Help You Get The Girl

Do you know the best PUA tricks that actually work? Now, I don't advocate most pickup artist techniques, and historically, we've given the self-proclaimed "seduction community" a hard time for many reasons. As a dating coach, I tend to focus more on other means of...

Charmed and Interested? Know Why: Here’s 5 Types of Attraction

Charmed and Interested? Know Why: Here’s 5 Types of Attraction

There are many types of attraction, and understanding what draws you to someone is important. As a dating and lifestyle expert, I've been featured so many times and have successfully written about how to attract women. Now, I want to share my knowledge of what causes...

7 Guaranteed Helpful and Effective Ways: No More "I Miss My Ex"

7 Guaranteed Helpful and Effective Ways: No More "I Miss My Ex"

Have you ever asked, "Why do I miss my ex?" This post will help you navigate the process of breakup and longing for a past relationship that was never meant to last. It all started with deep personal questions and scrambled your brains to think of interesting things...

9 Ways to Make Her Think About You Non-Stop [2023]

9 Ways to Make Her Think About You Non-Stop [2023]

If you want to know what makes her think about you, you're in the right place. I've been here long enough to know how to make her want you, what with all the stuff I've written for this blog. So, I know all about how to make a girl think about you endlessly. It's all...


13 Great Conversation Games: The List You Need To Make The Mood Fun

13 Great Conversation Games: The List You Need To Make The Mood Fun

Conversations games keep the ball rolling. If you're looking for the right question games, this post is for you. I have a lot of knowledge on how to keep the conversation going. As a published expert on websites such as iHeartRadio and Elite Daily, I want to share the...

96 Things To Do For Your Girlfriend (Sweet, Cute, Romantic)

96 Things To Do For Your Girlfriend (Sweet, Cute, Romantic)

If you're looking for sweet things to do for your girlfriend, there's no shortage of touching date ideas and things to do for that special someone in your life. Knowing how to get a girlfriend can be a challenge. Luckily, I'm quite the expert on thoughtful gestures...

Hate mosquitoes? Mantelligence's founder is launching a family-safe mosquito control trap soon.

Mantelligence founder launching World's First Highly-Effective Mosquito Trap, Powered by Essential Oils.

Launching: Mosgone is a brand-new DIY, Effective and Family-Safe Backyard Mosquito Eliminator

Mosgone: DIY, Effective, and Safe Backyard Mosquito Eliminator launching soon.

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