via: Unsplash / Joanna Nix
How to kiss a girl and if you are doing it the way she wants to, is important to learn. So stop wondering if you’re doing it right, and let us teach you how.
Gentlemen, have you ever walked away from a first kiss unsure of how it went? Was she into it? Did you use too much tongue? Was your breath ok?
It doesn't take tons of experience to know how to kiss a girl, you just have to learn some basics principles.
The steps in this guide will help as you figure out how to get a girlfriend and will make kissing as fun and exciting as it should be.
Improve your lip game and learn how to kiss a woman the right way.
Why Is Knowing Exactly How To Kiss A Girl So Important?

via: Unsplash / Samantha Gades
Compatibility with a girl works on many levels. Not only do you need to be in sync intellectually and personally, you have to have physical chemistry.
The basic element in that chemistry? Good kissing.
A kiss shared by people with chemistry can convey passion, affection, longing, or love. Bad kissers just convey confusion.
Knowing how to kiss a woman will help you build on the attraction with a new girl. Or show your girlfriend exactly how you’re feeling about her. You’ll be moving your lips, but you won’t have to say a word.
How to Kiss a Girl

via: Unsplash / Allef Vinicius
You know the old line about hearing music during a first kiss? Well, it might be more than just a romantic cliché.
Kissing is a lot like music. Jazz, to be precise. You have to master the basics before you can really improvise.
But once you do… well, you know how it goes.
Keep reading to learn how more passionate and enjoyable make outs than ever before. And the confidence boost knowing how to kiss a woman will make you even more attractive to women.
1. Know these Kissing Tips

via: Unsplash / AbsolutVision
The reason humans kiss is a mystery, and even people at the Smithsonian study it. One thing is sure though… we are biologically programmed to love kissing.
Kissing is part of human nature… so these kissing tips are actually helping you become a better person!
Become a better person and a better man. No matter your lady’s favorite kissing style, the kissing tips I’m about to give you will improve your chemistry and have her wanting more.
Tip 1: Prepare yourself
If you want to get kissed, you need to make sure your mouth is kissable.
Before you leave the house make a pit stop in the bathroom and get that mouth ready. Brush your teeth to get rid of any remnants of your lunch and freshen your breath. A little mouthwash never hurt either.
Ladies love a man with a beard, but they don’t want a mouth full of mustache when they go in for a kiss. Trim your beard of stray hairs and make sure nothing is hanging over your lips. Tame the tangle with beard oil and watch as her hands drift up for a feel.
Make sure your lips are soft and hydrated by using lip balm. Nothing shuts down a potential kiss like dry, chapped lips. It will make kissing so much more enjoyable for both of you.
Tip 2: Be soft but firm
This might seem like a rookie problem, but even experienced kissers mess up their lip technique.
So, how do you kiss perfectly? The key is to have soft lips but to be a firm kisser. Pecks are for grandmas, so don’t purse your lips into a beak. Relax your lips so that they can move and respond to hers.
The firmness comes into play as you switch kissing positions. When you move from lip to lip slightly flex muscles the in your lips. You want to be an active participant in the kiss, so use your lips to part hers. Lean in closer and use the muscles in your lips make your kiss more passionate.
Tip 3: Tame the tongue
Terrible tongue use is the most common complaint women have about the men they kiss. Too much tongue use is sloppy and distracts her from the kiss. Not enough tongue signals a lack of passion and can bore her.
So yeah, the tongue game is pretty important for how to kiss her.
The key to finding the right amount of tongue is taking baby steps.
First, open your mouth slightly and gently touch her tongue with yours. This playful touch is the start of more passionate, intimate kissing.
Slowly build the amount of tongue that you use and focus on playing with her tongue. If you’re licking her teeth or the roof of her mouth you’ve gone in too far. Back off a little bit and refocus on her tongue.
Finally, follow her lead. Her body language will let you know if she’s into the kiss, so keep doing the things she shows you she likes.
2. Know How to Kiss Her For The First Time

via: Unsplash / Hannah Olinger
Knowing how to kiss her is important but knowing how to kiss a girl for the first time determines if you’ll get a chance at a second kiss.
To master the first kiss, use these three tips.
Tip 1: Read her body language
Few things in life are as embarrassing as leaning in for a kiss with a girl and getting rejected. Spare yourself the embarrassment by making sure she’s ready for it.
Look for the signs she’s attracted to you and the signs a girl wants you to kiss her.
- She makes clear and deliberate eye contact
- She enters your personal space
- She draws your attention to her lips
Watch the way she flirts and be ready to make a move. If you’ve been paying attention to her the right moment will happen naturally.
Tip 2: Be confident
Surprise kisses are great for couples, but your first kiss with a girl should never be a sneak attack.
Face the girl and wait for her to face you. Look from her eyes to her lips to let her know that there is nothing on your mind but kissing her.
If you’re standing, make sure your feet are pointed directly at her. This opens you up for closer physical contact. It also shows that you meant for this kiss to happen and you’re giving all your attention to her.
First kisses are memorable experiences, especially at the start of a relationship. You want to her to remember you as confident, not opportunistic. Acting confident will also make you feel more confident and will make you much more attractive to her.
Tip 3: Hold off on the tongue
Using tongue is a very personal, passionate gesture. Which is great… when the time is right.
Don’t lean in with your tongue out on the very first kiss. Let your lips play with hers for a little while and see how well you connect. If you enter make out mode start to work the tongue in slowly with the “tame the tongue” tip from above.
3. Get Her to Kiss You

via: Unsplash / Devon Divine
Does the guy always have to be the one to start the kiss? Definitely not! Many girls are totally willing to lean in first. Knowing how to get a girl to kiss you will make it much more likely that a girl will make the first move.
Tip 1: Be confident
If it seems like that tip shows up a lot, it’s because confidence is the most important and attractive quality a man can develop. Women want to be with a man who is sure of himself, and they are much more likely to kiss a man who believes he’s worth kissing.
Tip 2: Flirt
She’s not going to take the first step if you aren’t showing her that you’re interested in her. At its core, that’s all flirting is… a playful expression of your interest in someone. Ask her funny questions and make lighthearted jokes.
Show her that you’re attracted to her and she’ll be much more likely make a move.
Tip 3: Lean in
Make kissing you seem like the most natural thing in the world. Leaning in uses your body language to show your desire to kiss her and makes it easier for her to close the gap and lock lips.
4. React to the mood

via: Unsplash / Amber Kipp
The way you kiss your girl should match the mood of the situation you’re in. If the setting is romantic a deep, slow paced kiss is the right call. If the energy is high and passions are flaring, a more energized kiss is the move.
Figure out the mood and then make your move.
5. Get closer

via: Unsplash / Wu Jianxiong
Show her that you can’t get enough of her by getting in closer. A hand on her check or at the small of her back will make her feel desired and bring her in closer to you for a better, more passionate kiss.
Make her feel like the object of your affection, not your aggression. You want to shower her that you're into her without forcing anything on her. Bring her in close, but don't push it if she's not ready.
6. Get your timing right
Pick a moment when you're alone and you've got time to focus on some serious lip locking.
7. Start simple and build up

via: Unsplash / marcos mayer
Those new to making out often want to jump into the complicated stuff. Start with simple kisses and build from there.
8. Switch things up
Even kissing can get boring, so provide her with some variety. Kiss other places than the mouth. Switch between tongue and no tongue. Be sure to use your hands judiciously. Hold hands, run them through her hair, etc.
9. Read her signals to know when to pull away

via: Pexels / Rosie Ann
Even great kissing sessions have to end at some point. Read her signs to know when it's time to end it.
Kiss on First Date?

via: Depositphotos / IgorVetushko
A kiss on a first date was once considered too forward, but in today’s dating atmosphere two people who share a connection should feel no shame in kissing on the first date.
The key to success is making sure that she’s ready to kiss. If she goes directly inside or into her car, she’s choosing not to create an opportunity for a kiss. But if she lingers she might just be waiting for your move.
More Steps on How To Get The Girl
Let us help you find the girl of your dreams by checking out the links to more great posts on how to get the girl.
- Land a date with these tips for how to ask a girl out.
- Get the girl of your dreams once you know how to get a girl to like you.
- Show that girl you’re into her after you learn how to flirt with a girl.
In Conclusion
Learning how to kiss a girl doesn’t have to be stressful, and you don’t have to suffer through a dozen bad kisses before you master it.
You can master these steps in no time… so whether you’re getting ready for your first kiss or just your next kiss you can be sure you’ll be prepared.
Knowing how to kiss the girl you like is a key step in how to get a girlfriend process. You’ve got the know-how. Now go find the right girl to kiss.