via: Unsplash / Chris Spiegl
Memory is our ability to store, retain and recall pieces of information that we've learned.
The strength of our memory is the foundation of our intellect and our intelligence. Imagine if you could remember 50% more of what you learn or could recall twice as many of the names or facts that you hear.
By improving your memory you improve the rate at which you’re able to learn and retain information. Memory building is one of the most important and overlooked components of building your intelligence.
I place an extremely high value on memory. Out of this I've developed a sort of photographic memory, have created an exercise routine to help increase my retention and am constantly seeking news ways to improve my memory.
In my memory improvement quest, I stumbled across one of the most powerful techniques out there. I have used this technique every day for about a month and a half.
I normally wouldn't tell my readers about something I've been using for such a short amount of time, but since my results from using the technique have been so incredible, I feel I have to.
Not only has the technique dramatically improved my overall memory, it has increased my memory recall/retrieval speed, has helped me sleep better and has even subconsciously made me more present in everyday life.
The best part is that the technique is that it’s easy and takes only five minutes each day.
Dramatically Improve Your Memory with the Pythagoras Memory Technique

via: Unsplash / Mohamed Al Masry
I assume that the name Pythagoras is ringing a few bells for you?
This is because the man behind this memory-building technique also developed one of the most well-known mathematical theorems.
Before we dive into the technique, let’s touch on its founder Pythagoras.
Pythagoras of Samos

via: Unsplash / Mike Gorrell
Pythagoras of Samos, born in 570 BC, has been called the father of philosophy and the inventor of geometry.
So why does his name sound so familiar? Remember the Pythagorean Theorem (A2 + B2 = C2)? The theorem was one of Pythagoras’s most groundbreaking, and widespread, achievements.
Outside of math and philosophy, the ancient Greeks put an extremely high value on building and preserving his memory.
To exercise and sharpen his memory he used the same technique that I’m going to teach you today.
The Pythagoras Memory Technique

via: Pexels / Lucas Andrade
The technique is actually quite simple.
Every night before you fall asleep, recall everything that happened that day in as much detail as possible.
The exercise is like a mental video recording. You visualize yourself, through your own eyes, going through each moment of your day.
Start with the instant you wake up. What did you first see? Was it your significant other? The clock? Next, what’s the first thing you did? Did you put on your wedding ring? A pair of slippers?
After you visualize your morning continue visualizing the events of your day in sequential order. What was the first thing you saw when you left the house? Who was the first person you talked to? Did they tell you anything important or interesting?
It’s important to go in sequential order. You don’t want to go from breakfast to dinner, and then jump back to your morning run. At first, this will be difficult, but the more you practice the technique, the better you’ll get.
Go through your entire day and visualize every possible detail that you can. In a nutshell, that’s it.
Difficulties in the Beginning

via: Unsplash / Kelly Sikkema
When you first start using this technique, you’ll be amazed at how little you actually remember.
The first few times, I could only remember major events like waking up, going to work, getting home, eating dinner, and unusual events like running into an old friend.
If at first, you can’t remember a lot of detail, don’t get discouraged. I saw a considerable improvement after only day three.
The Original Pythagoras Memory Technique

via: Pexels / Karolina Grabowska
I want to mention that this is an adapted version of the Pythagoras Memory Technique. The way I explained it above was not exactly as Pythagoras originally performed it.
The main difference is that Pythagoras and his followers would use this technique in the morning when they woke up, rather than before going to sleep.
After having tried both ways, I really prefer doing it before I go to bed. There are a couple of reasons why:
- Usually, when I wake up, I want to start my day. It’s tough to do something so relaxing when you’re excited to get your day going.
- My alarm clock wakes me up each morning. I’m usually pretty tired when I get up and have to force myself out of bed. When I tried the technique in the morning, I would just pass out and, as a result, sleep in much later than I wanted to.
- The Pythagoras Memory Technique has improved my sleep almost as much as it has improved my memory. Not only does it help me fall asleep, but it helps me fall into a much deeper sleep.
For these reasons, I strongly prefer doing it before I go to bed, but try both ways and see which you prefer.
The Amazing Benefits of the Procedure

via: Unsplash / Joshua Oluwagbemiga
I’m not exaggerating when I say that this technique has changed my life.
Memory improvement aside, it has hugely improved my quality of life. After only a month of using the technique, it has.
1) DRAMATICALLY improved my general memory
Not only can I remember more of what happened throughout the day, it is a lot easier to retain information like people’s names or birthdays.
2) Increased my memory recall/retrieval speed
You know the information that’s in your head, but that you have to stop and think about to retrieve? The stuff that’s on the tip of your tongue? The name of that restaurant you went to a while back or who won the super bowl 3 years back.
After only a month of the technique, my brain can recall these pieces of information considerably faster.
3) Greatly improved my sleep
First off, I fall asleep so much faster. I’m a pretty cerebral guy, so when my head hits the pillow there are still a ton of things running through my head. This can make it tough to fall asleep.
Before using the technique, it would often take me an hour or more to fall asleep. With it, I’m out in no more than ten minutes.
As I said above, not only do I fall asleep faster, I also fall into a much deeper sleep.
4) Made me more present
I know that sounds a little hokey but living in the present, and not thinking about yesterday or being concerned with tomorrow, is really important.
Using the technique, I am more present in every moment of my day. I think that this positive side effect comes from me subconsciously trying to remember details for my nightly memory routine.
Being more present has been one of the best side effects of the technique.
5) Helped me appreciate each day
Time and life move quickly.
By recapping your day each night you realize how much you do in a day. This really helps to put things into perspective and appreciate your day more.
In Conclusion
This technique has improved the quality of my life dramatically.
By using it you’ll remember more, retrieve information more quickly, sleep better, be more present and appreciate each day more (and it doesn't hurt that it’s easy, fast, and relaxing).
Try it for a month and let us know what you think in the comments section below!