via: Bigstockphoto / Oleksandr_Byrka
Guys, the number of cute things to say to your girlfriend are endless, and they are important for cultivating the deep and abiding relationship you long for.
If you've ever wondered about how to talk to girls and things to say to your girlfriend, you're in the right place.
The quality and sincerity of your compliments are going to be the cornerstone to clear and concise communication, recognition, and validation of each other.
Look no further than our curated lists of cute things to say to your girlfriend. Some of them are evergreen. Some of them reflect the changing of the seasons and the evolution of time.
Ultimate List of Cute Things To Say
You should never run out of cute words to say! You never know when you might need them, and honestly, we can all benefit from saying good things to the people around us. And do I even need to say more about how much you'll benefit from saying cute things to the one you like?
25 Best Cute Things To Say To Your Girlfriend

via: Bigstockphoto / byswat
The best cute things to say to your girlfriend are very simple. We've provided some small bits of insight to timeless statements of love and commitment.
1. You are my sunshine.
Although we are individual people on our unique paths, when we are together, we are the center of each other's worlds.
2. You have the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen.
Quickly, this is becoming an inappropriate pickup line, but within an established relationship, the eyes are eternally special.
3. You’re the best thing that happened to me.
Rating experiences from 1-10, she's a 100.
4. You make me want to be a better person.
Inspiration and improvement are hard to come by.
5. I love you. I don’t think I can ever say it enough!
Repetition and enduring consistency come so naturally.

via: Bigstockphoto / Zinkevych
6. You make me feel like a million bucks.
She raises your vibe.
7. The sound of your laugh is music to my ears.
It all comes back to laughter being ageless, timeless, and eternal music.
8. You are all I want to think about.
Since when did our thoughts get so circular as when we first fell in love?
9. The way you make me feel is indescribable.
Words fall short.
10. You are stunning.
Stunning is a great adjective to say amazing in all ways.

via: Unsplash / Brooke Cagle
11. I want to be with you.
This one rings clear as day.
12. I will never forget the first time I saw you.
We always go floating back to the initiation phase.
13. I want to make you happy.
State your motivation, consistently and constantly.
14. When I count my blessings, you are at the top of my list
We should all count our blessings every chance we get. It's the only viable alternative to stress.
15. You are everything to me.
We are but two halves of a whole.
16. I don't understand how a girl as amazing as you can be so amazing.
You appreciate her authentic nature.
17. Just saying your name brings a smile to my face.
Her name is your favorite word in the world.
18. I can’t help but feel we are destined to be together.
Your meeting was no coincidence and you imagine a future together and beyond.
19. How did I ever get so lucky to be dating you?
You are alluding to your fountain of gratitude. You know that true love doesn't happen all the time.
20. If you let me, I would hold you forever.
You're asking permission to step into your role.
21. My heart skips a beat every time you smile at me.
Falling in love changes body chemistry.
22. Every time you laugh, the whole room seems to brighten up and smile.
There's a change in all of life's perspective.
23. I have never felt a love as strong as yours.
Past experiences don't compare.
24. I am the luckiest man in the world to have you by my side.
Acknowledging luck is another way of saying you're profoundly grateful.
25. In all my life, I never believed I'd find a love like this.
It feels so amazing to finally be home.

via: Pexels / Yuting Gao
30 Cute Sweet Things To Say To Your Girlfriend

via: Depositphotos / vova130555
Sweet things to say to your girlfriend are great ways to work on our verbal articulation skills.
Did your parents outwardly express their affection toward you in words and other ways? Sometimes we have a solid background in receiving verbal feedback. Other times, we need to cultivate what was not a regular form of communication when we were younger.
People from other cultures often say Americans are very direct in how they express their feelings. We think this is one of the great aspects of this great nation and we are excited to keep building on it. So long as the authenticity and sincerity are behind the statements, they are building blocks for a more connected future.
26. I will always care what you think.
Caring what she thinks is not the same as not being able to think for yourself. A true male leader always seeks advice and consult from his female counterpart, with her bottomless well of feminine intuitive wisdom.
27. Thank you for loving me.
It's something to vocalize every single day it's true.
28. You are my stars and my moon.
Take your thanks to the cosmic level.
29. Nothing matters when we’re together.
At work we multi-task. At home together, we are each other's one and only focus.
30. You make me believe in soul mates.
Soul mates are pretty much, a "duh." A done deal.

via: Unsplash / Ryan Holloway
31. Spending time with you is the highlight of my day.
The most vivid and colorful human connection of all is tantamount.
32. You’re my best friend.
Friends make the best lovers make the best life partners.
33. You could have any guy in the world, and yet you chose me.
You can't believe your luck!
34. Life without you is like a broken pencil, pointless.
Throw in a cute joke and wordplay.
35. Are you a dictionary? Because you add meaning to my life.
What meaning does authentic connection add to life?

via: Unsplash / Waldemar Brandt
36. You are mine and I will always be yours
You are offering yourself to her.
37. You’re the most gorgeous girl ever.
Gorgeous is a great alternative to beautiful.
38. You complete me in a unique and wonderful way.
Yin and yang were meant to be together.
39. I can win everything with one hand; provided you’re holding my other hand.
Your connection gets you both through hard times.
40. Distance means so little when someone means so much.
Long distance is difficult, but the test of one's commitment through it all creates a stronger bond when you are back together.

via: Unsplash / Everton Vila
41. Beautiful is an understatement!
Remember that it's higher value to say her accomplishments are beautiful. Physical beauty is only a superficial sort.
42. “I love the way you have a special smile just for me.”
You can receive and offer affection simply through a certain kind of smile and eye contact.
43. “Every inch of you is a marvel and showcase of true gorgeousness.”
You're acknowledging the infinite facets of her beauty and your attraction to it.
44. “It’s criminal the way you look. You steal my heart over and over again.”
Pepper in some playful accusations.

via: Unsplash / Andrik Langfield
45. I could cuddle with you all day long.
Hunger for non-sexual physical affection is deep and intimate.
46. You are my lucky charm.
We all feel blessed when we have met our other half.
47. You are just a dream come true.
We dream of the one and we revel when we have found her.
48. You make me want to be a better person.
Let's say this one more time because it's really one of the greatest things to say to your girlfriend.
49. You don’t know how happy I am since you came into my life.
You are reflecting on the changes you've experienced in yourself.
50. I am more in love with you today than I was yesterday.
You are thanking her for how she's allowed herself to grow with you.
51. It has always been just you.
You are reassuring her of your commitment.

via: Pexels / Pixabay
52. Those small imperfections that you have to make you perfect.
You don't want the air-brushed illusions from magazines. You want a real and deeply flawed human being.
53. I wonder how I got so lucky as to get you in my life.
To know you're lucky is a form of gratitude and living life with awareness and grace.
54. I strongly believe that we are meant to be.
Connection stirs your intuition about fate and destiny.
55. I thought true love was a lie, till I met you.
It's hard to believe in something so perfect until you have experienced it.
25 Cute Nice Things To Say To Your Girlfriend

via: Depositphotos / InnerVisionPRO
We have some nice things to say to your girlfriend just in case your mind draws a blank on how to articulate your true feelings.
56. My life has never been the same since I met you.
You're sensing your own evolution.
57. I wish I could wake up right next to you.
This is a sign that moving in together might be in the cards.
58. Words can’t explain what a wonderful person you are.
Some things just can't be put into words.
59. I’m just sitting here thinking of you and wanted to tell you that I love you.
If only we could count the number of moments we think of another but also know that space is needed for a relationship to really grow. So savor those moments apart too, even if they are hard to bear.
60. Loving you makes my heart skip a beat.
It's called adrenaline and the feeling can hardly be described by science.

via: Unsplash / Jair Lázaro
61. I would do anything to make you smile.
A real smile feels so good on the face.
62. You brighten up my day every time I see you.
It's like the stars are erupting.
63. I love all the stars in the sky, but they are nothing compared to the ones in your eyes.
You can see tiny little universes in there.
64. I have a perfect life now that you are a part of it.
It's a way of saying thanks for all her devotion.
65. You take my breath away.
If only wow was spelled "wowowowowowowow."

via: Unsplash / Brad Neathery
66. Holding your hands is how I want to spend my whole life
Infinitely linked and eternally entwined.
67. You make my heart race without doing a thing.
Seriously, it brings a whole new understanding of "being."
68. Falling in love with you is the second best thing in the world because finding you was the first.
First and second place are covered.
69. The day I met you, I found my missing piece.
Love is like a game of chess.
70. I start my day with you on my mind and end my day with you in my dreams.
Mind, dreams, heart, and soul. Those places are where she lives.
71. Your eyes are so expressive and beautiful I can’t help but get lost in them.
Eye gazing is an incredibly intimate experience.
72. I love that we met, I like it that nobody got you before I did.
You are simply grateful to be the one she chose.
73. You’ve made my dreams come true.
We all dream of loving ourselves so much that we attract our opposite and see their differences as actually the same.

via: Pexels / luizclas
74. They say love hurts, but I’m ready to take that risk if I’m going to be with you.
Love requires putting your ego aside.
75. Loving you is like a copied assignment which I can’t explain.
It is a celebration of life to cherish the feelings another brings up in us.
76. When I think about the future, I only see you in it.
Embrace the future just as you more deeply embrace the present. This means allowing difficult times to serve your understanding of easy times.
77. “True beauty never fades, and neither will our love.”
You're letting her know that even if she gets old and gray, you'll still be attracted to her.
78. “You make my knees go wobbly when I touch you.”
It speaks of how body chemistry changes in response to being in love.
79. “Did you know, “I trust you,” is another way of me saying, “I love you?””
The concept of love is easy to take lightly. The idea of trust is the foundation for it all and it is much more complex.

via: Unsplash / Candice Picard
80. I wish life had a pause button. I would pause every moment we spend together.
This is a way of saying you cherish each moment.
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25 Cute Romantic Things To Say To Your Girlfriend

via: Bigstockphoto / Harbucks
If you're looking to be romantic with your girl, look no further than our romantic things to say to your girlfriend.
81. Life is beautiful because of you
How deeply your perspective on all things has changed.
82. I love the way you understand my thoughts before I voice them.
An intuitive connection between two people is cherished indeed.
83. I love you, not only for what you are, but for who I am when I am with you.
We are infinitely evolving because of each other.
84. I love being yours.
You love the space in her heart she has made for you.
85. You complete me.
It's like a Dixie cup, with one side vanilla and one side chocolate.

via: Unsplash / Duncan Shaffer

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86. You bring out the best in me.
You can't even believe some of the ways you've surprised yourself in how you've grown.
87. I feel comfortable being myself when I'm around you.
Very few people are operating from their actual comfort zone in life. So it's a blessing to have that chance to relax into who you truly are.
88. I've waited all my life to find someone like you
These opportunities are one in a million, indeed.
89. You look beautiful no matter what.
She doesn't have to do anything to be perfect. In fact, you love the effortlessness.
90. The things you do not like about yourself, I love enough for the both of us.
We love this special statement that acknowledges that sometimes self-confidence is hard.

via: Bigstockphoto / Rido81
91. There is nothing about you that I don’t love.
110% showered by your love.
92. God must have been showing off when he created you.
She's one of the ones that came out even better than expected.
93. I want to grow old with you.
Imagine the two of you in a nursing home together, forever entwined. No nightmare is bad when you are together.
94. Your love is what keeps me going every day.
Her love is like solar energy or some other renewable resource.
95. Sometimes, there are little unexpected moments where I fall in love with you all over again.
It's an infinite cycle of renewal.
96. It took you a while to come into my life, but you were worth the wait.
We can only appreciate what we have after a long and barren period of waiting and seemingly not having.

via: Pexels / Helena Lopes
97. When I am around you, I feel I’m a clumsy 16-year old in love!
We sort of lose a little bit of our composure when we're nervous in the presence of someone we care about impressing.
98. I think you were made to fit perfectly in my arms.
Puzzle pieces are oh so satisfying to put together.
99. I just want to take care of you in any way I can.
You adore her.
100. I could spend my life just watching you, forever and ever.
You learn everything that has been missing in your life from her.
101. I love the way you wrinkle your nose when you smile. You make me want to kiss you!
The nose wrinkle thing is truly one of the most adorable human behaviors imaginable.

via: Pexels / Emma Bauso
102. My day cannot end well, unless I have told you all that happened.
This one emphasizes how important deep sharing is between you.
103. My life is so much richer because I have you in it.
Richer is a word that means more complex and far-reaching.
104. Love is not all we need, it is the only thing there is.
It's like tunnel vision but in a great way.
105. The story of you and me is my favorite love story.
The longing for our "happily ever after" is universal.

via: Pexels / Gantas Vaičiulėnas
Downloadable and Printable List Of Cute Things To Say To Your Girlfriend
Here is a downloadable and printable list of cute things to say to your girlfriend (right-click the image and select Save Image As)

via: Mantelligence
Why Expressing Love in A Cute Way Important In A Relationship? The Essence of Baby Talking

via: Pexels / Gustavo Fring
A relationship thrives on closeness and intimacy. Any strong relationship expresses their feelings differently. However, baby talk is very common in relationships. It is with this kind of communication that relationships become more intimate and close. It's like the couple has their own world with cute sayings and baby talk.
Baby talk and cute words indicate positive emotions and the desire to nurture each other.
“O flatter me, for love delights in praises”—Shakespeare, The Two Gentlemen of Verona
How To Deliver Cute Things To Say The Right Way

via: Pexels / Miriam Alonso
You might have 60 cute things to say to the woman you like, but if you don't deliver them properly, they're practically unhelpful. Before delivering these cute things to say, make sure that you read the room. Is it the right moment to say these things? If you're certain it is, then, by all means, deliver it to make her day. If you're not, try looking for the right timing.
1. Use of Props

via: Pexels / Andres Ayrton
There's nothing that screams effort more than using props to tell her a romantic thing. Choose the proper props for the occasion and what you're about to say. Roses and chocolates are just some common ideas that come to mind. However, the more creative you get, the more she'll appreciate it.
PRO TIP! Always give your A+. Make everything 'extra'!
2. Fascinating Get-up or Costume

via: Pexels / cottonbro
Why not go the extra mile and dress up to make her day? That would immortalize the memory in her mind because of the effort you've given.
3. Cute Emojis/GIFs (for chats/ text messages)

via: Pexels / Uriel Mont
Do you know how a good morning text is so boring without any emojis in it? Yeah. That means if you're texting a cute saying to her, it's not that cute if you don't sprinkle it with cute emojis or GIFs here and there.
Frequently Asked Questions

via: Pexels / Maria Camila Castaño
Maybe you're not that sure about the whole cute way of professing your admiration. It's okay, we understand. That's why we're ready to answer your questions.
Can these make my girlfriend blush?
Of course, they can. As long as you say them genuinely, they will make your girlfriend blush. Sometimes, all you need are cute sayings to make her whole day special.
Can I send these over text?
If you're unsure what to text a girl, then all those you've read in our list are what you can choose from. Those are all sweet things that you can text the one you like. Of course, nothing beats saying them in person.
Is it attractive to be a sweet talker?
Yes. One of the attractive things guys do is knowing how to make a lady swoon through sweet words.
If a girl calls you cute, do they like it if you respond by saying they are, too?
Yes, they would like it. There's nothing wrong with returning the compliment. In fact, it can be the start of a great friendship or relationship.
How do I know what 'my woman' wants to hear when she asks me some random questions?
It's not too hard to know what women really want. When random questions from her come up, all she wants is to hear your genuine answer. Chances are, what you're thinking is already good enough for her. She just wants to listen to you say it.
How to pick the right nice things to say to your girlfriend?
Let's talk about technique. Not all cute things to say to your girlfriend apply to every girl and every relationship.
There are some things to consider when you decide what you want to reveal, how you want to share it, and what you hope to communicate.
- Mind the stage of your relationship. Be mindful of a girl who has given you signs of needing time to adjust. Sometimes falling in love comes with a ton of anxiety and personal fears that she needs to work through on her own. Respecting her pace by timing your texts to not get too intense too soon is sometimes some of the best things you can do. Work on yourself in the meantime. Remember that what makes her attracted to you is seeing how much you love and devote yourself not to her, but to YOU as well.
- Say things that are appropriate. It can be awkward if you're already talking about marriage when you're two weeks in. Make sure you're on the same page about your commitment to each other so that expressing your desire for further commitment doesn't sound like pressure or a trap.
- Be mindful of repeating generational patterns. If we are unaware of old wounds from our relationships with our parents, we end up repeating them in our romantic relationships. If one or both of your parents weren't able to meet your needs as a child, you subconsciously look to partners as an adult to meet those needs.
- Take the reins at signs of confidence. On the flip side, there will be a time where you get a definite vibe that the girl is into it and she is looking for you to utter the words that express your commitment and your desire to take your relationship to the next level and the next. At this point, she will be coming at you with her own cute things to say to her beloved boyfriend. She'll be operating from her own place of passion and fire.
- Compliment her character. Every woman loves to be told that she is physically beautiful, but that alone is just not enough. The quality of one's character trumps everything before it. There's a good chance she's heard "you're beautiful and amazing" way too many times by the wrong people who were just using empty compliments to attempt to manipulate her. In certain situations, being complimented on one's looks can appear creepy! These sorts of statements shouldn't be the main material in your arsenal. Stick with recognizing the strength of her talents, character, integrity, attitude, and overall awareness of self and the world. Shower her with admiration for the inner work on herself she's done.
- Relationships are challenging. It's easy to tell her these things when things are peaceful. Make sure to assure of your love when times are tough because they will be. And if they are not, it is because you are not creating the intimacy needed to deepen your understanding of each other.
- Dream of your future together. Any couple, once they have committed to each other, loves to talk about future plans they have together. Whether it be wedding and engagement plans or plans for adventures to take together, it's easy to get lost in building a "dream" and forgetting to tend to the present moment. Sometimes a couple can lose sight of who they are right now as they are both caught up in who they think they can one day be together. We recommend living equally in the past, savoring great memories, being present for the now, and planning for the future without letting any of these practices overtake the others.
- Love and appreciate yourself too. This might be the most powerful piece of advice we're going to offer you. It's already making its way around women's publications, and we know it to be equally true for men. You can't love a girl or anyone else any more than you love yourself. If you don't have self-confidence and self-esteem that is based on a foundation of your own self-awareness of who you are and how far you have come, you're going to be very limited in how you can truly love her, no matter how many times you repeat any of the options on our lists of cute things to say to your girlfriend.
More Awesome Ways to Get The Girl
Are you still in the dating stages? Are you looking to meet someone? Are you looking to raise your vibration in order to attract the person you desire when it seems like all hope is lost and online dating is going to the birds? There are lots of options out there.
- According to the five love languages, giving gifts and acts of service are some great sweet things to do for your girlfriend. Here are some ideas.
- Here are some thoughts on coming up with the perfect gifts for girlfriend
- When you've been dating for awhile, and it's some of the first moments where you're telling her you love her, you'll need some variations of love messages for her
In Conclusion
Cute things to say to your girlfriend are important, guys. Why? You can't just assume that a girl knows how you feel.
You can't just say the same words over and over again, hoping they will suffice. Eventually, the same words start sounding empty and mechanical and you really need to mix things up.
Further, developing your abilities to verbalize your feelings is directly related to your emotional development. You will discover things that are true for you that you were not aware of before.
Coming up with cute things to say to your girlfriend is rewarding on multiple levels.