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If you're looking for a spooky way to pass the time as Halloween draws near, how about some Halloween trivia?
There are many interesting questions to ask if you're getting excited about this unique holiday. These trivia-based questions are sure to get you in the Halloween mood. As a trivia expert, I've been published on sites like Last Call Trivia, so you can expect only the best icebreaker questions from me.
Let's start.
Halloween Trivia Playable Quiz
Do you love Halloween and know everything about it? This quiz will show you how much you really know:
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6 Best Halloween trivia

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If you want your Halloween trivia night to be a real hit, it's best to choose only the best of the best.
These questions are the finest examples you can choose from, and they contain all kinds of interesting tidbits of information about Halloween.
1. What is a hallow?
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A saint or a holy person
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As a verb, it can also mean to "sanctify". This is why Halloween can be referred to as "All Hallows' Eve" or "All Saints' Eve".
2. What country holds the title for the World’s heaviest pumpkin?
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You probably already know that Pumpkins can get pretty big, but did you know which country holds the honor of heaviest pumpkin ever? In November 2015, a pumpkin weighed 856 kilograms grown by Beni Meier in Switzerland. However, it is not suitable for human consumption because it contains mostly water and thick skin.

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3. What was Bram Stoker’s original name for Dracula?
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Count Wampyr
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Bram Stoker's Dracula was considered a massive milestone in literature, and it's one of the first mentions of a vampire. However, Dracula once went by a different name.
4. What was Dr. Frankenstein’s first name?
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Frankenstein is another monster associated with Halloween, originating from a critically-acclaimed piece of literature written by Mary Shelley.

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5. During the Salem Witch Trials, how many people were hanged?
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Did witches ever actually exist? The residents of Salem certainly seemed to think so. This question exhibits the dark side of Halloween. This execution occurred between 1692 to 1693 because of their illegal practice of witchcraft. Years later, the colony admitted that the trial was a human mistake, and the families of the alleged witchcraft practitioners were compensated.
6. How many Americans celebrate Halloween by decorating their houses?
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According to statistics conducted in 2019 in America, out of 7,419 Americans, 5,044 celebrate Halloween in many ways, such as trick or treating, carving pumpkins, house decorating, and dressing up.

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4 Random Spooktacular trivia

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Sometimes it's best to "shake things up" a little with some random trivia and answers. When you choose random trivia to ask you'll ensure that it never gets boring.
7. Who died on Halloween night?
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Harry Houdini
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While some people might think that Halloween night is all fun and games, the truth is that the crime rate is statistically much higher on this one night, and one famous man didn't make it through to the morning.
8. Which ailment did people believe could be cured by pumpkins?
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Freckles and snakebites
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Various people have used plants throughout the ages to cure all kinds of ailments. Pumpkins were used frequently by ancient peoples for a surprising purpose.

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9. “Psycho” was nominated for Oscars how many times?
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The movie "Psycho" was truly ahead of its time, and the horror film is still quite unsettling. Critics also heaped praise upon the iconic film.
10. What is the name of the director of “The Nightmare Before Christmas”?
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Henry Selick
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Throughout Hollywood's history, Halloween has been a popular theme for countless films, including "The Nightmare Before Christmas," directed by the man behind "James and the Giant Peach."

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4 Allhallows Eve trivia for adults

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If you're looking for a little more mature question, it's best to choose trivia for adults. These questions explore the "grown-up" side of Halloween.
11. Halloween is generally considered to have evolved from what ancient festival?
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It was a pagan festival welcoming the harvest and where the "dark half of the year" would start. There are countless precursors to Halloween in history. All around the World, various ancient cultures had their variation of this celebration, which included death worship, monsters, and more.
12. How do Mexicans celebrate Halloween?
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By eating sugar skulls
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Mexico has its unique variation on Halloween, and it dates back to the ancient Mayans. Today, the celebration has one unique feature, and it is a sugar art!

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13. What does the celebration of Samhain signify?
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End of the harvest season
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Samhain is a Gaelic celebration, and it's a mixed bag for these people. After the celebration, they understand they're moving into the "dark half" of the year. But this celebration also marks something else...
3 Easy All Saint's Eve Trivia

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Choose these easy trivia as questions, and you can ensure you're not making it too hard on yourself or your friends. These questions are a total breeze.
14. What should a person wear to trick evil spirits during Halloween?
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Masks and Costume
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In the early days of Halloween, it was widely believed that evil, supernatural spirits roamed the Earth on the night of Halloween. Wearing costumes was said to be a way to trick them.
15. During Halloween, what are witches portrayed to ride on?
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Witches have come a long way since they first appeared in ancient Sumerian cultures. They even have their special means of transportation. The origins of why they use broomsticks are difficult to explain but can be found in this cool article.

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16. What is the word Hallowe’en an abbreviation of?
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All Hallows’ Eve
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While Halloween has roots in Saimhan (or even earlier Roman traditions), the word "Halloween" itself contradicts a Christian phrase.
4 Hard Hallow's evening trivia

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If you're looking for more of a challenge, you might want to try some of these hard questions trivia. These questions will test your knowledge of Halloween.
17. What does the word La Chupacabra mean?
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Goat Sucker
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If you've ever heard of La Chupacabra, you know that it's one of the most feared and mystical creatures in the world. Legend has it that the beast is actually an escaped alien or military test subject.
18. Texas Chainsaw Massacre is loosely based on what real-life serial killer?
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Ed Gein
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Many of the best Hollywood horror movies are based on real-life events. Ed Gein, a serial killer, was nicknamed "The Butcher of Plainfield."

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19. Which real-life historical figure formed the basis for Dracula?
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Vlad the Impaler
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The first legends of vampires actually arose from a real historical figure. A wealthy aristocrat in Transylvania, this man was famous for drinking the blood of his enemies and impaling them on large stakes throughout his kingdom.
20. A male witch is called?
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Fun fact: there's such a thing as a male witch. These are actually not the same as wizards, as they practice witchcraft, not magic or sorcery.

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4 Fun 31st of October trivia

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Halloween can get pretty dark and gloomy if you're not careful, so it's always a good idea to mix it up with some fun trivia. These questions will put smiles on everyone's faces.
21. How much does the world's biggest pumpkin weigh?
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2,624.6 pounds
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The heaviest pumpkin ever recorded in Guinness World Record was in Belgium, grown by a man named Alex Noel. He won $8,519 US dollars after winning the competition.
22. What monster is said to terrorize the people of Africa?
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Nandi Bear
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If you live in the West, you probably don't hear much about Africa's traditional monsters. But they do exist (in the legend, at least), as Africa has a rich culture of mythology and stories.

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23. What is the number 1 city in the US for trick-or-treating?
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24. What 1973 movie convinced Americans to throw out their Quija boards?
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The Exorcist
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Ouija boards are known today as having genuine, scary power that can't be explained by science or reason. This one movie made almost everyone take these items more seriously when the girl who played it was later possessed by the spirit she summoned.

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25. What does the name Dracula mean?
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Son of the Dragon
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Dracula is known around the world as the grandfather of vampires: he's the guy who started it all. He took his name when he joined a secret order of Christian knights called Order of The Dragons.
3 Funny All Saint's eve trivia

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Halloween might be a dark and spooky time, but that doesn't mean you can't laugh. Discover the hilarious side of Halloween with these funny questions on trivia.
26. What product is banned in Hollywood on Halloween?
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Silly string
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Hollywood has seen some pretty crazy Halloweens in its past. Silly string has caused problems, which is why LA mayor James Hahn signed the LAMC Section 56.02 in response to Hollywood Boulevard property owners.
27. Which character in Charlie Brown believes in the Great Pumpkin?
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If you're a fan of Charlie Brown, you probably remember the legend known as the Great Pumpkin. While it might have seemed a little silly, Linus believed in it wholeheartedly.

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28. What was the original term for Candy Corn?
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Chicken Feed
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Candy Corn is one of the most famous types of candy out there today. While it might not be the most popular, it's oddly satisfying. It was called Chicken Feed in the late 1880s.
3 Spooky celebration trivia for kiddos

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Halloween trivia can be just as fun for little kids. If you're planning to join some of the younger generations when you complete your trivia, try this trivia for youngsters.
29. What does it mean if you see a blue pumpkin while trick-or-treating?
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Allergy-free treats
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Many children have allergies these days, which is a major concern during trick-or-treating. The Teal Pumpkin Project was created to raise awareness.
30. What kind of candy wants you to "Taste the Rainbow"?
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This particular candy has used the slogan "Taste the Rainbow" for countless decades.

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31. Pumpkins have how many colors?
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Everyone knows that pumpkins are a major part of Halloween, and you'll probably end up seeing many of them during this holiday. But did you know that Pumpkins can come in orange, red, blue, and white variations?
4 Hallowe-en history trivia

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Some of the most interesting facts about Halloween concern its historical origins. If you want to learn more about the history of Halloween, check out these Halloween history trivia ideas.
32. When did the word "vampire" first appear in English?
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Although Bram Stocker was the first to bring the legend of the vampires to light with his 1897 book, people have been writing about vampires for a much longer period of time.
33. What monster is pictured on the flag of Sicily?
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Sicily is a small island off the coast of Italy with a rich history. The symbol in the flag is called a Trinacria, which was used as a protection against Medusa preventing her from entering their home.

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34. ‘Guising’ is the Scottish and Irish equivalent of which Halloween tradition?
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Trick or Treat
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Around the World, most people know that when you go door to door and ask for candy, it's called trick-or-treating. But in Scotland and Ireland, children dressed and went "guising" to confuse the spirits.
35. When did trick-or-treating first arise?
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Although trick-or-treating might seem like an inseparable part of Halloween, the truth is that this tradition is a relatively new development that first occurred after the "commercialization" of the holiday.

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4 80s Questions About Halloween Trivia and Answers

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What are two of the best things ever? Halloween and the 80s.
What if we told you that you could combine them? Check out our Halloween-themed questions about 80s trivia and answers!
36. Who directed The Nightmare Before Christmas?
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Henry Selick
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The all-time classic follows the King of Halloween Town, who visits Christmas Town, loves it, and decides to take over Christmas.
37. Which vampire said, "Don't be afraid. I'm going to give you the choice I never had."
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Lestat, Interview with the Vampire
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The star-studded cast featured Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Antonio Banderas, and Kirsten Dunst.

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38. How is the "mystery flavor" of Dum Dums lollipops made?
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By overlapping the end of one batch and the beginning of another
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Which technically means they don't stop the machines from cleaning them in between flavors.
39. On Halloween of 1984, who was assassinated by her security guards?
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Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi
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To date, she remains the only female Prime Minister of India.

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4 All hallows eve Question Trivia About Animals

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Excited for some Halloween trivia about animals?
40. What is the significance of seeing a spider on Halloween?
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The spirit of a loved one is watching over you
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41. Apart from sucking blood, what do vampires and bats have in common?
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They only come out at night
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However, some bat species, like the fruit-eating flying foxes, are not nocturnal.

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42. What color cat symbolizes Halloween?
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Black cats are associated with witchcraft and bad luck. However, they were worshipped as sacred in Ancient Egypt.
43. How much is spent on pet costumes for Halloween annually?
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$300 million
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Americans spend more on Halloween than on their national parks!

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4 Spooktacular Trivial Questions About Bar

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Halloween bar trivia, here we come!
44. What Halloween treat is made using butter, molasses, and sugar?
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Bonfire toffee
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In the U.K., bonfire toffee is also associated with Guy Fawkes Night.
45. What Irish bread is often eaten at Halloween?
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It contains yeast, sultanas, and raisins.

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46. The 1735 Scottish Witchcraft Act banned the consumption of what?
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Sausage rolls
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It was only repealed in the 1950s!
47. Approximately how old is Halloween?
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6000 years
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Halloween originates from Samhain, a Celtic festival where people would wear costumes and light bonfires to ward off evil spirits.

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7 Hallow's eve Music Trivia with Answers

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How about some Halloween-inspired music trivia with answers?
48. In the movie Hocus Pocus, what song do the sisters sing at the Halloween party?
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I Put a Spell on You.
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The story follows three witches resurrected by an unwitting teenager.
49. Warren Zevon sang about the werewolves of which city?
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The song was inspired by a real-life Chinese restaurant on 15 Gerrard Street, London.

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50. Who wrote and performed "The Purple People Eater"?
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Sheb Wooley
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In the song, the purple people eater visits Earth because it wants to join a rock 'n' roll band.
51. David Allan Coe's song "The Ride" refers to the ghost of which country singer?
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Hank Williams, Sr
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The ghost asks the narrator whether he has what it takes to make it in country music.

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52. Which band stayed in "Hotel California"?
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The Eagles
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The song deals with the themes of burnout, loss of innocence, and corruption.
53. Which band believes all people are vampires in their song, "Perhaps Vampires Are a Bit Strong But..."
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Arctic Monkeys
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From their 2006 album Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not.

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54. What San Fransisco Band's lead singer is a "Friend of The Devil?"
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Grateful Dead
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The song was inspired by the band's road manager Rock Scully and his affairs with various women.
6 Eve of all saint's day Trivia About Movies

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Let's end on a high note with our little selection of Halloween movie trivial questions!
55. In Halloween II, when Michael first enters the elderly couple's home, what movie is playing on their T.V.?
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Night of the Living Dead
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That's some serious foreshadowing right there!
56. In the first installment, Michael kills his sister Judith. Who does Jamie stab on Halloween 4 and 5?
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Her stepmother
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Jamie ends up being possessed by the same evil force as Michael.

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57. Of all the Halloween movies, which one does not feature Michael?.
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Halloween III
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Season of the Witch does not feature any characters from the first two installments.
58. Who was the first actor to be credited as Michael Myers (as an adult)?
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Nick Castle
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In the original Halloween, Nick Castle portrayed the adult Michael Myers for most of the film until the final scenes.

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59. How many children did Laurie have?
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She has a son, Josh, and a daughter, Jamie.
60. In the second movie, how many times does Dr. Loomis shoot Michael?
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Dr. Loomis manages to shoot Michael off a balcony. However, it is missing when Dr. Loomis returns to check on Michael's body.

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Downloadable and Printable List of Hallow's Eve Trivia
Here is a downloadable and printable list of Halloween trivia (right-click the image and select Save Image As...):

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How To Pick The Best Halloween trivia

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After reading everything in this article so far, it should be pretty obvious that there's a lot of Halloween trivia to choose from. So how do you decide on the right option?
1. Include a Mix of Easy and Hard Questions

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If you're creating a set of trivia for your friends, you might want to choose a mix of both easy and hard questions. This will ensure that your trivia night won't be too hard or too easy. It'll hit that sweet spot right in the middle.
2. Choose Questions With Educational Value

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Okay, this might sound a little boring, but questions with educational value are always a solid choice. Learning something new about Halloween is always interesting and entertaining.
Even if people get the question wrong, they'll still be happy when the answer is revealed, and they learn something about Halloween.
3. Choose Funny Questions

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Another good choice is to pick questions that will make people laugh. There's always the risk that trivia will become a little monotonous, but you can avoid this by injecting humor into your trivia night.
Frequently Asked Questions

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You might still have some questions about a Halloween trivia question before your trivia game. Don't worry. I'm here to answer your questions.
Is Halloween trivia considered superstition or not?
No, it's not considered superstition (although some might say it is!). Halloween superstitions are different from trivia. Halloween trivia for your Halloween trivia game is simple facts and trivia. Having additional Halloween knowledge isn't superstition.
Are beliefs and facts about Halloween the same across any culture?
No, the beliefs and facts about Halloween are different. That's the beauty of culture. There are some similarities, but many cultures have a different Halloween celebration than what we might know. Some don't have Halloween costumes or Halloween candy! And that's okay because it's through those differences that we learn more about other perspectives.
Why do we have to celebrate Halloween?
The answer to this depends on each culture, but generally, Halloween is how we celebrate the lives that our departed loved ones have lived. Celebrating Halloween is our way to give life and appreciation to them. We remember them to make their memories alive. Whether you celebrate on October 31st or a different day, we all just try to relive the memories.
How did Halloween start?
Although we now think of Halloween differently, it all started with one event. The custom has its roots in the ancient Celtic holiday of Samhain when people would dress up (early Halloween costumes!) and build bonfires to stave off spirits (literal Halloween spirit right there).
More Awesome Ice Breaker Games And Questions To Ask
Of course, Halloween trivia isn't your only option. Tons more questions can be tons of fun, and many options work just as well as Halloween trivia for this time of year.
If you're looking for more trivia choices, check out these options:
- Thanksgiving is another holiday that falls around the same time as Halloween, and it can be just as enjoyable. Better yet, there are all kinds of Thanksgiving trivia you can ask.
- If you're looking for questions of a biblical nature, you can always check out these bible trivia to ask. Whether you're religious or not, these trivia to ask can be tons of fun.
- And of course, you can never go wrong with a few would you rather questions. Questions like these can lead to all kinds of laughs, and you can also use them to discover a lot about your friends.
- Most likely to questions aren't just limited to your high school yearbooks. You can have fun with these questions when you get together with work colleagues, friends, family members, and much more.
- Never have I ever is another awesome game to play with friends. These questions are also excellent icebreaker questions, so they'll always come in handy.
In Conclusion
You should have all kinds of ideas for Halloween trivia by now.
Write the questions you like down on paper and bring them to your next party, sleepover, or work gathering. It's almost certain that these trivia will make almost anyone enjoythemselves.
In addition, these are great questions to ask if you're meeting someone for the first time. A little bit of fun trivia can really brighten the mood and help alleviate awkwardness, especially if you choose funny questions.
So go ahead and use these as icebreaker questions!